Zoloft warning and precautions

The use of any medication can cause a number of side effects. And Zoloft is not the exception. Besides leading to some gastrointestinal disorders, it can also cause behavioral disorders and thoughts about suicide, so be aware of these things and strictly follow your doctor's recommendations as to the use of this drug and its doses. Avoid the intake of Zoloft if you take monoamine oxidase inhibitors now or have used them during the last 14 days.

Tell your doctor if you have any of the following health conditions:

Thoughts about suicide or attempted suicide. Medications prescribed for depression are known to affect the mood and sometimes they lead to suicidal thinking in people of all ages. That is why, if you notice any such thoughts or changes in your behavior, be sure to take advice from your doctor as soon as possible. Emotional disorders caused by antidepressants may lead to some unwanted symptoms like extreme sadness, anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness, overarousal, thoughts about suicide, or attempted suicide.

Manic-depressive illness (also known as bipolar disorder) or a family history of such illness. Many symptoms of manic-depressive illness are the same as the ones caused by depression. However, it is very important to know that antidepressants (including Zoloft) may cause aggravation of medical condition in people suffering from bipolar disorder and your doctor should know about any such disorder in you or your family members.

Cardiac diseases, epilepsy, convulsions. Antidepressants may lead to potentially life-threatening disorders. These include heart disorders, delusions, vertigo, increased palpitation, loose stool, high temperature, difficulty breathing, muscle pain and others.

Allergies of different origin. The oral intake of Zoloft, especially the one that comes in a liquid form, may cause allergic reactions.

Gastrointestinal disorders. Zoloft, as well as other antidepressants, may lead to stomach or bowel pain and bleeding. If you take aspirin or any drugs against inflammations like ibuprofen, this may increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Other unwanted symptoms may be as follows: blood in the stool, vomiting, black stool, etc.

Weight loss. In some people, the intake of generic Zoloft may lead to the loss of appetite and weight loss.

High blood sugar levels. If you have high blood sugar or diabetes, make sure you talk to your doctor before taking any antidepressant medications.

Problems with the liver. As any medication, Zoloft may aggravate your liver condition, therefore it is important to evaluate all the pros and cons prior to starting your treatment for depression.

Pregnancy or lactation. Pregnant women must also take advice from a healthcare professional, because Zoloft may be potentially dangerous for the fetus. Lactating women should know that Zoloft can enter the blood stream and be delivered to the baby through breast milk. That is why, if you are pregnant or lactating, never start your treatment without consulting with your doctor.

Other medications intake. Zoloft may interact with other drugs. Thus, if you use any other drugs, including over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, or vitamins, your doctor should also know about this.

21 Aug 2014


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